Saturday, February 27, 2010

my imaginary schedule

07.00 : wake up

07.15 - 08.15 : jogging

08.15 - 08.30 : take a bath & prepare for work

09.00 : arrive in office, have breakfast and start working diligently

13.00 : eat fruits and have lunch

18.00 : go back home

18.45 - 19.00 : sweep the room

19.00 : have dinner

20.00 : take a bath

20.30 : learn japanese

21.00 : drawing daily comics/illustration

22.00 : read online newspaper

23.00 : watching an episode of japanese drama

24.00 : brush teeth and read a novel in bed while preparing to sleep

00.30 : sleep


*sigh* I wish one day, it's not merely an imagination anymore. too many things to do, too little time.


[22.00 PM and stuck on TV and facebook]