//i wish i could say something rather than just walking beside you, mister//tonight should've been a fine night
where I imagined a drunk couple
talked nonsense along the way home
and laughed their ass off--staggering along the dim pavement
a rare clear night sky above them, sprinkled with stars
not a sight you could easily find these days in big cities.
but today I went home with a bitter feeling
a feeling once forgotten, and now, resurfaced once more
only to hurt my heart and ruin my night.
a feeling of being useless
not being able to help--at all.
some people say,
i am a good listener
but not a good advisor.
i listen to people's complaints
but, that's about all i can do--nothing more than that.
usually, i've never had any problem with that
but when it comes to the people that i love the most,
and not being able to give any good advices, or comfort when they need it most--
it hurts.
it hurts to see them suffer alone and be helpless about it.
sometimes, i wish i could be a pair of earphones just for once in a while
where i could give something comforting to hear, something to brighten their mood
and not just being a goddamn microphone all the time
where the only thing that i can do is just sitting still while they cry their heart out in front of me.
seriously, i feel like shit right now
so, sorry for this shitty posting.
i am going to end this blog without any enlightment or dramatic exit.
good night and thanks for reading.
hope to see you again in the next posting--which i hope won't be a depressing one.
[10.57] blah.
Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/20466740@N00/3429476798/
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