Tuesday, April 06, 2010

undead's lament

i'm feeling mentally tired.

i can't live without an obsession.

it's not like i don't have any right now but,

there's simply almost no time left for those obsessions everyday.

if there's even any time left, be it only for a little while,

in that state, i am too exhausted to even think, let alone do.

all those passions, dissolve in this tiredness.

like smoke vanishes into thin air.

this sad routine has made my soul numb.

it's eating me from the inside.

but i am left with no choice at this moment.

and i don't even know why.

there's no chains but i ain't free.

there's no maze but,

i'm lost in the rain. ☂


[1.42 AM] get me out of here.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

my imaginary schedule

07.00 : wake up

07.15 - 08.15 : jogging

08.15 - 08.30 : take a bath & prepare for work

09.00 : arrive in office, have breakfast and start working diligently

13.00 : eat fruits and have lunch

18.00 : go back home

18.45 - 19.00 : sweep the room

19.00 : have dinner

20.00 : take a bath

20.30 : learn japanese

21.00 : drawing daily comics/illustration

22.00 : read online newspaper

23.00 : watching an episode of japanese drama

24.00 : brush teeth and read a novel in bed while preparing to sleep

00.30 : sleep


*sigh* I wish one day, it's not merely an imagination anymore. too many things to do, too little time.


[22.00 PM and stuck on TV and facebook]